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Crack Repair.

The two most important reasons you need to maintain and repair the cracks is because you don't want moisture to penetrate under the asphalt surface causing more damage to your driveway or parking lot.


The second reason you should fill the cracks in your asphalt is because vegetation will begin growing in them. As the roots on vegetation get bigger, the plant root can actually push the pavement up and create even more damage. This breaks the pavement surface and other problems begin occurring.


Even worse, if water does penetrate the crack and seeps under the asphalt surface, this will almost always creates a soft spot which in turn can create a Pot Hole and if you live where the temperatures create ground freezing, then this moisture under the asphalt surface will freeze and push the pavement up. You might have seen this on other driveways or parking lots to know what we are talking about and now you know why it has happened.


Our crack repair service resolves these issues.








Since asphalt is a petroleum based product, other petroleum based products may react with the surface. This includes vehicle oil and gasoline. The sealcoat acts as a temporary barrier against those materials. A sealcoat is not a crack filling agent; crack repair must be done prior to applying the sealcoat. Properly and regularly applied, sealcoat may prolong the serviceable life of asphalt. When applied appropriately and at the right time, sealcoating may prevent damage due to oxidation. However, sealcoating may reduce the friction or anti-skid properties associated with the exposed aggregates in asphalt.


Another reason to sealcoat an asphalt pavement is to protect the pavement from the deteriorating effects of sun and water. When an asphalt pavement is exposed to sun, wind and water, the asphalt hardens, or oxidizes. This causes the pavement to become more brittle. As a result, the pavement will crack because it is unable to bend and flex when exposed to traffic and temperature changes. A sealcoat combats this situation by providing a waterproof membrane which not only slows down the oxidation process but also helps the pavement to shed water, preventing it from entering the base material.



Pothole repair.

A pothole is caused by the presence of water in the underlying soil structure and the presence of traffic passing over the affected area. The introduction of water to the underlying soil structure first weakens the supporting soil. Traffic then fatigues and breaks the poorly supported asphalt surface in the affected area. Continued traffic action ejects both asphalt and the underlying soil material to create a hole in the pavement.


Potholes can cause major damage to vehicles and injury pedestrians. If the potholes are not repaired.


The major causes of potholes are:


1. Insufficient pavement thickness to support traffic during freeze/thaw periods without localized failures.


2. Insufficient drainage.


3. Failures at utility trenches and castings (manhole and drain casings).


4. Miscellaneous pavement defects and cracks left unmaintained and unsealed so as to admit moisture and compromise the structural integrity of the pavement.




Asphalt Striping.

Professional Line Striping assists your visitors in the safe use of your parking lot. It directs traffic to the proper route of entrance and exit, allowable areas to park, loading zones, crosswalks, and defines drive aisles that are wide enough to avoid accidents with cars and pedestrians. Properly designed parking spaces also maximize the number of cars you can safely accommodate.


Customers appreciate a well designed and well marked parking system. The parking lot is the first thing that customers or visitors see. A freshly painted parking lot can lend an attractive impression to the overall image of your property.


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